About Us

Black Shirt Feng Shui Masters:

Taiwan, Cai Lu Zong Tan, Grand Master Yu San Lu. Our primary mission is to commission Taoist priest and to perform heavenly rituals, imparting Taoist priesthood skills like Taoist Scripture chanting and Talisman writing. To establish overseas branches and to propagate the teachings of true Taoism.

The art of Feng Shui is a profession by itself, and it is by oath that the secrets and methods are never disclosed to anyone outside the organisation.

For the reason to propagate the teachings of true Taoism and as part of the expansion roadmaps of the organisation, Grandmaster Yu San Lu, hereby authorise the knowledge transfer to selected members of Cai Lu Zong Tan (Singapore Branch) priest, and to authorise the use of Cai Lu Zong Tan reclusive techniques (穿山透地撥砂法) to implement Feng Shui consultation services to the public.








  1. 穿山法:為楊救貧所創,其用法即是一卦純清,發福久遠之法。
  2. 透地法:為賴布衣公所創,用法為查脈走向,氣行透於地。
  3. 天星法:五鬼運財-最高之法門。
  4. 輔星水法:佈局運財法。

撥砂法:催官 催財 催子法