Is Feng Shui applicable for cremation type burials?


The capability and ability of the descendants to be able to compete in this generation partly depends on the study and usage of Feng Shui to harness on the power and energy extruded by the forefathers, and to marry this energy into the current environment to achieve the maximum potential for the living generation.

Although cremation type burials would have eroded 70% of the energy potential, the rest of the 30% of energy can still be harvested. In Feng Shui, the quality of the energy far exceeds the quantity of the energy. You may have 100% of energy that is totally detrimental to the well-being of the living generation, compared to 30% of quality energy that is able to enhance the living generation’s destiny charts and achieving smooth sailing work, meeting with noble person and, or achieving wealth through employment or business, blessed health and great relationship and such.

The importance of harvesting the remaining 30% energy remains largely with the Feng Shui Master, to be able to provide the conduit and channel the continuous flow of energy back to benefit the living households, and mitigate any conflicts if any.

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